Report 2016-141 Recommendation 28 Responses

Report 2016-141: Charter Schools: Some School Districts Improperly Authorized and Inadequately Monitored Out‑of‑District Charter Schools (Release Date: October 2017)

Recommendation #28 To: Antelope Valley Union High School District

To better ensure effective oversight of its charter schools' finances, Antelope Valley Union should develop written procedures for reviewing charter schools' financial information and conducting annual oversight visits. These procedures should include relevant requirements from memorandums of understanding with the charter schools and best practices.

1-Year Agency Response

AVUHSD staff in collaboration with Educational Services, Business Services and the Superintendent have developed written procedures for reviewing charter schools' financial information and conducting annual oversight visits using the FCMAT checklist. See attachments (Charter School Fiscal Oversight Procedures, FCMAT-DSPCS 2018 Board Report and Board Report Agenda item). The written procedures are associated with current, active MOU language with DSPCS under Pg 3, Section B, subsections 7 and 9- Supervisorial Oversight. See attachments (DSPCS MOU w Board Approval Agenda item). The DSPCS MOU was approved by the Board, as part of their Petition renewal on October 10, 2018. See attachment (DSPCS Board Resolution to Renew).

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented

Antelope Valley Union provided us a copy of its written procedures for reviewing charter schools' financial information and conducting annual oversight visits.

6-Month Agency Response

District staff in collaboration with Educational Services, Business Services and the Superintendent are in the process of developing written procedures for reviewing charter school's financial information and conducting oversight visits using the FCMAT checklist. These written procedures will be incorporated into corresponding MOU language with the charters that include relevant requirements and best practices.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending

Per Antelope Valley Union's response, its implementation of this recommendation is currently pending.

60-Day Agency Response

The AVUHSD will develop written procedures for reviewing charter schools' financial information and conducting annual oversight visits. These written procedures will be referenced in the proposed revision of the AVUHSD Board Policy-Administrative Rules and Regulations and in the AVUHSD's subsequent MOU's. The written procedures will correspond to the following documentation tools: The "Annual Oversight Checklist," aligned with Fiscal Crisis Management Assistance Team (FCMAT)-which includes sections that address fiscal and business operations as well as academics that will be used during the annual visit to the charter school; and the "Report Submission Timeline Form,"- which calendars due dates in four major categories including academics, attendance, governance and finances. The "Annual Oversight Checklist," the "Report Submission Timeline Form," along with the subsequent "MOU," language will be communicated to our respective district departments as well as the charters during regular consultations in order to share expectations for report submission, feedback and corrective action plans. Additionally, the AVUHSD will use a "Charter Budget Review Sheet," and the "California Charter School Financial Performance Measures," as additional internal district tools to guide ongoing reviews, feedback and corrective actions steps with charters. For any follow-up questions, contact Julianne Vela- Director of Categorical and Special Programs- -(661) 952-2249.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

Per Antelope Valley Union's response, its implementation of this recommendation is currently pending.

All Recommendations in 2016-141

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.