Report 2015-131 Recommendation 27 Responses

Report 2015-131: California's Foster Care System: The State and Counties Have Failed to Adequately Oversee the Prescription of Psychotropic Medications to Children in Foster Care (Release Date: August 2016)

Recommendation #27 To: Social Services, Department of

To better ensure that all caregivers are informed and educated regarding the use of psychotropic medications and the court authorization process, Social Services should develop instructions regarding these topics and provide them to caregivers, such as foster family agencies, that do not operate group homes.

1-Year Agency Response

The Medications Guide for Certified and Licensed Foster Families and Resource Families has been posted on CDSS' website ( It is the Department's vision that this resource will serve to educate families, foster family agencies and licensing staff on how to ensure compliance with licensing laws and regulations as well as provide technical assistance and best practice related to medication management. This resource is available online at

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented

6-Month Agency Response

Resource Family Approval, which is a new streamlined approval process for individuals applying to provide care for a foster child, became effective January 1, 2017. This new standard is being implemented by Foster Family Agencies (FFAs) and counties. The guide that has been under development for all licensed and certified families is now being updated to include resource families approved by the FFAs and counties. Publication is now anticipated on or before March 1, 2017.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Partially Implemented

60-Day Agency Response

Partially Implemented. The guide for Foster Family Agencies is undergoing revisions and the guide for the Foster Family Homes is almost complete and will be forwarded for review and approval within the Department. Publication is now anticipated on or before January 1, 2017.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Partially Implemented

All Recommendations in 2015-131

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.