Report 2013-125 Recommendation 9 Responses

Report 2013-125: California Department of Health Care Services: Weaknesses in Its Medi-Cal Dental Program Limit Children's Access to Dental Care (Release Date: December 2014)

Recommendation #9 To: Health Care Services, Department of

To make certain that access to dental services for child beneficiaries is comparable to the access available to the general population in the same geographic areas, Health Care Services should immediately adhere to its monitoring plan.

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From September 2017

DHCS completed submission of the dental portion of the data for the monitoring plan submission in January 2016. The monitoring plan has been posted.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Resolved

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From November 2016

DHCS completed submission of the dental portion of the data for the monitoring plan submission in January 2016. While a posting date for this monitoring plan is not available at this time, DHCS will notify stakeholders once it is posted.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Not Fully Implemented

1-Year Agency Response

DHCS has completed submission of the dental portion of the data for the monitoring plan submission. However, DHCS is in the process of completing a final compilation of the contributed data. Once compilation has been completed, the Department will be posting the monitoring plan for public availability. A posting date for this monitoring plan is not available at this time however; DHCS will notify stakeholders once it is posted

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Pending

6-Month Agency Response

DHCS has completed submission of the dental portion of the data for the monitoring plan submission. However, DHCS is in the process of completing a final compilation of the contributed data. Once compilation has been completed, the Department will be posting the monitoring plan for public availability. A posting date for this monitoring plan is not available at this time however, DHCS will notify stakeholders once it is posted.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Partially Implemented

60-Day Agency Response

The department will incorporate all measures by county, and statewide in the 2012 report. However, beneficiary data by disability is currently represented in the report within the disabled aid categories. DHCS did not implement AB 97 reduction until 2013 ; therefore 2011 and 2012 reports will be used as baseline reports. DHCS will compare current utilization data for the 2012 reporting.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

All Recommendations in 2013-125

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.