2016-041 - Status of Recommendations

Recommendations Not Fully Implemented After One Year: The Omnibus Audit Accountability Act of 2006

As required by the Omnibus Audit Accountability Act of 2006, the California State Auditor (State Auditor) presents this report on the status of recommendations that are more than one year old and have not been fully implemented by the entities we audited.

State Entities

From November 2009 through October 2015, the State Auditor issued 232 reports that related to audits or investigations of state agencies. These reports were requested through the Joint Legislative Audit Committee, legislation, or as a result of an investigation. The State Auditor made 1,739 recommendations to the audited state agencies in those reports, of which 1,433 have been fully implemented. Since our last report issued on January 14, 2016, state agencies implemented 123 long outstanding recommendations. However, the State Auditor identified 306 recommendations made to 52 state agencies that had been outstanding at least one year and remain not fully implemented as of October 2016.

Nonstate Entities

From January 2011 through October 2015, the State Auditor issued 42 reports to nonstate entities, and made 371 recommendations to these entities, of which 330 have been fully implemented. Since our last report issued on January 14, 2016, nonstate entities implemented 16 long outstanding recommendations. However, the State Auditor identified 41 recommendations made to 18 nonstate entities that had been outstanding at least one year and not fully implemented as of October 2016.

As noted in the Results in Brief section of our report, the tables summarize and provide information on recommendations issued between November 2009 and October 2015. The links below provide you with each of the tables presented in the report—in an interactive format to supplement the information in the report. Each table provides you further details regarding the current status of recommendations that are more than one year old.