Report 2009-107.1 Recommendations and Responses in 2014-041

Report 2009-107.1: California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation: It Fails to Track and Use Data That Would Allow It to More Effectively Monitor and Manage Its Operations

Department Number of Years Reported As Not Fully Implemented Total Recommendations to Department Not Implemented After One Year Not Implemented as of 2013-041 Response Not Implemented as of Most Recent Response
California Correctional Health Care Services 5 5 5 1 0
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation 5 9 8 4 4

Recommendation To: Corrections and Rehabilitation, Department of

To help it assess the effect of policy changes and manage operations in a cost-effective manner, Corrections should do the following:
• Ensure that its new data system will address its current lack of data available for statewide analysis, specifically data related to identifying the custody staffing cost by inmate characteristics such as security level, age, and custody designation.
• If implementation of its new system continues to be delayed, or if Corrections determines that the new system will not effectively replace the current assignment and scheduling systems used by the institutions, it should improve its existing data related to custody staffing levels and use the data to identify the related costs of various inmate populations.


Updated BIS Status - The Time and Shift module has been successfully implemented at all institutions for Custody staff as of July 1, 2014. BIS is working with CCHCS to complete implementation of the SAP component at all institutions for Nursing staff by March 31, 2015. The Training and Events functionality is in Pilot Testing with the first group of 12 Headquarters' Programs scheduled to go live October 1, 2014. All rollout activities are scheduled to be complete by December 31, 2014.

In addition, BIS is working with the Office of Personnel Services to rollout Request for Personnel Action Workflow functionality which provides a paperless process for creation, review, and approval of personnel actions. Functionality allows better tracking and more efficient routing of actions, as well as increased accuracy of position and cost control.

Updated SOMS Status - In August 2014, CDCR implemented SOMS Classification and Programs modules. Inmate Classification data is now available in SOMS and being replicated to the data analytics environment. The addition of BIS data into the analytic environment is in progress.

Recommendation To: Corrections and Rehabilitation, Department of

To more closely align its operations with state law and its own policy, make certain that inmates are provided with an adequate level of supervision, and protect the health and safety of employees and inmates, Corrections should encourage the Department of Personnel Administration to negotiate a reduction in the amount of voluntary overtime a correctional officer is allowed to work in future collective bargaining unit agreements, in order to reduce the likelihood that involuntary overtime will cause them to work more than 80 hours of overtime in total during a month.


As stated previously, the new MOU ratified for BU6 on September 28, 2013, does not allow for the Department to mandate involuntary overtime if staff elects to volunteer even if the staff volunteering are over 80 hours of overtime during the work period. See BU6 MOU section 12.05 Voluntary Overtime BY Seniority. The MOU also has a new 7k process where it is now a 7-day work week and overtime begins after 41 hours, so it is no longer a "work period" but now a "pay period".

Recommendation To: Corrections and Rehabilitation, Department of

To more closely align its operations with state law and its own policy, make certain that inmates are provided with an adequate level of supervision, and protect the health and safety of employees and inmates, Corrections should better ensure that it prevents the instances in which correctional officers work beyond the voluntary overtime limit in a pay period.


As stated in Recommendation 5, the new MOU ratified for BU6 on September 28, 2013, does not allow for the Department to mandate involuntary overtime if staff elects to volunteer even if the staff volunteering are over 80 hours of overtime during the work period. See BU6 MOU section 12.05 Voluntary Overtime BY Seniority. The MOU also has a new 7k process where it is now a 7-day work week and overtime begins after 41 hours, so it is no longer a "work period" but now a "pay period".

Recommendation To: Corrections and Rehabilitation, Department of

To ensure that it can determine whether it is in compliance with state law and can measure the efficacy of its programs in reducing recidivism, Corrections should track, maintain, and use historical program assignment and waiting list data by inmate.


Updated BIS Status - The Personnel Cost Planning (PCP) module has been updated and is in use by all programs. In conjunction with Time and Shift implementation, BIS, Budget Management Branch and Office of Personnel Services is developing overtime cost reporting and projection tools that provide an accurate expenditure view of overtime at the program level as well as projection costs based on potential scenarios. These reports will be in Production by December 31, 2014.

Updated SOMS Status - The SOMS Classification and Programs modules were implemented in August 2014. As of the recent implementation of the SOMS Programs module, the Program data needed to accomplish this recommendation can now begin to be collected and analyzed over time for trends in effective programming and legal compliance.

Recommendation To: Correctional Health Care Services, California

To increase the use of the telemedicine system, Health Care Services should continue to implement the recommendations that it has adopted from the consultant's review of telemedicine capabilities.


CCHCS has completed all of the short-term goal recommendations and long-term recommendations from the consultants review (Attachment 1).

The CCHCS has completed implementation of a basic electronic medical records management system. The CCHCS Telemedicine Services (TMS) currently utilizes three enterprise applications, Telemedicine Scheduling System (TMSS), Electronic Unit Health Record (eUHR), and Report Manager, to effectively manage telemedicine scheduling and health information storage and retrieval.

Nursing Service's Professional Education Unit developed a standardized statewide curriculum inclusive of telemedicine clinic overview/management; mock clinic skills return demonstration, and knowledge competency validation. Initial training was provided to the Nurse Consultant Program Review staff on August 11, 2014. The training session sign-in sheet is enclosed (Attachment 2). Ongoing training will be provided to the statewide telemedicine nursing staff on this curriculum on

October 17, 2014.

The enterprise eUHR and the Medical Scheduling and Tracking System (MedSATS) scheduling system are fully deployed and operational. A more robust CCHCS/CDCR enterprise eUHR (including scheduling) development is tentatively planned for implementation commencing in 2015.

Current Status of Recommendations

All Recommendations in 2014-041