Report I2021-1 Recommendation 16 Responses

Report I2021-1: Investigations of Improper Activities by State Agencies and Employees (Release Date: May 2021)

Case Number I2018-1047

Recommendation #16 To: General Services, Department of

To remedy the effects of the improper governmental activities this investigation substantiated, and to prevent those activities from recurring, General Services should implement procedures that provide more accountability for work performed by facilities division maintenance employees,

Agency Response From April 2021

General Services reported that it implemented oversight procedures that provide more accountability for maintenance employees. Specifically, it stated that it now requires maintenance employees to clock in and out near their respective supervisor's office location. In addition, General Services stated that facilities division supervisors will validate that each work order has a reasonable amount of time charged for each task, review each work order daily, and approve each work order for recording in the PAL system. Further, General Services stated that supervisors now meet with their employees at the beginning of their shifts to ensure the employees are at work and have appropriate work assignments and resources and that they also now perform impromptu worksite inspections each day to check the progress of work they assign to their employees. Finally, General Services stated that supervisors review daily vehicle mileage logs to ensure their employees log reasonable mileage based on the locations noted in the logs.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Fully Implemented

All Recommendations in I2021-1