Report I2007-1158 Recommendation 5 Responses

Report I2007-1158: California State University, Chancellor's Office: Failure to Follow Reimbursement Policies Resulted in Improper and Wasteful Expenditures (Release Date: December 2009)

Case Number I2007-1158

Recommendation #5 To: University, California State

To recover improper payments and improve its review process over travel claims submitted to its accounting department, the university should recover from the official the $1,834 in duplicate payments and overpayments.

Agency Response From December 2009

The university collected from the former official $1,903—consisting of the $1,834 we identified and $69 it identified later—in duplicate payments or overpayments.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Fully Implemented

All Recommendations in I2007-1158