Report 2021-616 Recommendation 3 Responses

Report 2021-616: Board of State and Community Corrections: Its Administration of Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funds Has Been Marred by Delays, Unfair Awards, and Insufficient Monitoring (Release Date: October 2021)

Recommendation #3 To: State and Community Corrections, Board of

To ensure that it efficiently and effectively administers state and federal grants, including any future emergency funds it might receive, Community Corrections should improve its standard grant policies and procedures by December 2021 to address the promptness of is grant process, including specific timelines for how quickly it must obtain board approval, develop its grant solicitation, evaluate applications, make awards, and disburse the funds.

The BSCC Grant Proposal Evaluation Process document describes the grant process, timeframes, Board role, emergency process, evaluation, and funding recommendation process.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Fully Implemented

Community Corrections updated its standard grant policies and procedures in September 2022 to include administration of emergency funds, which generally addresses the intent of our recommendation.

The BSCC Grant Proposal Evaluation Process document describes the grant process, timeframes, Board role, emergency process, evaluation, and funding recommendation process.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Fully Implemented

Community Corrections updated its standard grant policies and procedures in September 2022 to include administration of emergency funds, which generally addresses the intent of our recommendation.

The BSCC Grant Proposal Evaluation Process document describes the grant process, timeframes, Board role, emergency process, evaluation, and funding recommendation process.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

We do not agree with Community Corrections' assertion that it has fully implemented our recommendation. In our review of Community Corrections' updated grant proposal evaluation process, we found that it does not address the promptness of is grant process, including specific timelines for how quickly it must obtain board approval, develop its grant solicitation, evaluate applications, make awards, and disburse the funds. Thus, until this information is included, we will continue to report the status of this recommendation as not fully implemented.

The BSCC efficiently and effectively administers its state and federal grants. By June 2022, the BSCC will update its grant policies and procedures to reflect the different elements of the grant development process. This includes, but is not limited to, timelines for Board approval, Request for Proposal process, proposal evaluation, and the award process

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

We strongly disagree with Community Corrections' assertion that it efficiently and effectively administers its federal grants. Specifically, in the title of our report, we noted that "Its Administration of Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funds Has Been Marred by Delays, Unfair Awards, and Insufficient Monitoring." We look forward to reviewing Community Corrections' updated grant policies and procedures during its future responses.

The BSCC efficiently and effectively administers its state and federal grants.

By June 2022, the BSCC will update its grant policies and procedures to reflect the different elements of the grant development process. This includes, but is not limited to, timelines for Board approval, Request for Proposal process, proposal evaluation, and the award process.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

All Recommendations in 2021-616

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.