Report 2020-108 Recommendation Responses

Report 2020-108: California's Housing Agencies: The State Must Overhaul Its Approach to Affordable Housing Development to Help Relieve Millions of Californians' Burdensome Housing Costs (Release Date: November 2020)

Recommendation for Legislative Action

To reduce administrative redundancy and streamline a portion of the funding process, the Legislature should eliminate the Debt Limit Committee and transfer its responsibilities to the Tax Committee, including reviewing applications and allocating bond resources. To ensure a thorough application review process, the Legislature should also require the Tax Committee to develop a sufficient quality control process for reviewing applications for bond resources, including multiple levels of review.

Description of Legislative Action

AB 49 (Petrie-Norris, 2021) would abolish the Debt Limit Committee and transfer its powers, duties, and functions to the Tax Committee. The bill would provide for the transfer of civil service employees, funds, property, and liabilities of the Debt Limit Committee to the Tax Committee, and would require that Debt Limit Committee regulations remain in effect until the Tax Committee amends or repeals those regulations, or adopts successor regulations. This bill is pending in the Assembly.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Legislation Introduced

Description of Legislative Action

AB 49 (Petrie-Norris) would abolish the Debt Limit Committee and transfer its powers, duties, and functions to the Tax Committee. The bill would provide for the transfer of civil service employees, funds, property, and liabilities of the Debt Limit Committee to the Tax Committee, and would require that Debt Limit Committee regulations remain in effect until the Tax Committee amends or repeals those regulations, or adopts successor regulations.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Legislation Introduced

Description of Legislative Action

AB 49 (Petrie-Norris) was introduced on December 7, 2020, and states legislative intent to eliminate the Debt Limit Committee and transfer the duties and authority to the Tax Credit Committee.

AB 68 (Salas) states legislative intent to implement the recommendations in the audit.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Legislation Introduced

All Recommendations in 2020-108