Report 2016-126 Recommendation 31 Responses

Report 2016-126: California Department of Social Services: Its Caregiver Background Check Bureau Lacks Criminal History Information It Needs to Protect Vulnerable Populations in Licensed Care Facilities (Release Date: March 2017)

Recommendation #31 To: Social Services, Department of

The CBCB should implement its planned changes for ensuring that files in the file room are in the appropriate place and filed correctly.

1-Year Agency Response

Additional shelving was installed in the file room which houses all case files that are appropriately filed. As of April 2017, the CBCB has directed one existing Office Technician to be the designated File Clerk to ensure the case files are appropriately tracked in and out of the file room. The Department is updating the duty statement for this position. We have issued a memo to confirm the procedures for the file room. (Attachment 21)

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented

6-Month Agency Response

Additional shelving was installed in the file room which houses all case files that are appropriately filed (see Attachment S). As of April 2017, the Caregiver Background Check Bureau has redirected one existing Office Technician to be the designated File Clerk to ensure the case files are appropriately tracked in and out of file room.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Partially Implemented

The CBCB has made the physical modifications to its file room. However, it did not submit evidence that it has designated a single office technician to be a file clerk responsible for filing cases appropriately.

All Recommendations in 2016-126

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.