Report 2008-106 Recommendation 1 Responses

Report 2008-106: County Poll Workers: The Office of the Secretary of State Has Developed Statewide Guidelines, but County Training Programs Need Some Improvement (Release Date: September 2008)

Recommendation #1 To: Secretary of State, Office of the

The office should continue with its plans to update its training guidelines and incorporate new guidance on the proper handling of decline-to-state voters. Finally, to the extent feasible, the office should continue its efforts to monitor county adherence to its guidelines through its observation program.

1-Year Agency Response

The office reports that it is finalizing its updated poll worker training guidelines and intends to provide an opportunity to all counties, individuals, and organizations with extensive elections expertise to comment on the final draft standards. The office stated that the updated standards expand upon previous guidelines and incorporate information from lessons learned in past elections and changes in the Elections Code. The office provided its draft training guidelines and we verified that it contained instructions explaining how to process votes from declined-to-state voters. The office anticipates that the updated guidelines will be completed in time for use during the November 2010 general election. (See 2010-406, p. 175)

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented

All Recommendations in 2008-106

Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.