Report 2007-109 Recommendation 8 Responses

Report 2007-109: DNA Identification Fund: Improvements Are Needed in Reporting Fund Revenues and Assessing and Distributing DNA Penalties, but Counties and Courts We Reviewed Have Properly Collected Penalties and Transferred Revenues to the State (Release Date: November 2007)

Recommendation #8 To: Administrative Office of the Courts

To ensure that the distribution of payments for all fines, fees, and penalty assessments charged to offenders comply with all applicable laws and regulations, the AOC should do the following: Ensure that the Sacramento court continues its efforts to correct any overpayments made to the state DNA fund.

1-Year Agency Response

The AOC stated that the Superior Court of Sacramento County has made all the necessary corrections to processes and database systems to properly capture and distribute penalties going forward. Additionally, in May 2008, the court successfully completed the reversal of all affected fees that caused the erroneous transfer. (See 2009-406 p. 264)

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented

All Recommendations in 2007-109

Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.