Report 2011-121 Recommendations

When an audit is completed and a report is issued, auditees must provide the State Auditor with information regarding their progress in implementing recommendations from our reports at three intervals from the release of the report: 60 days, six months, and one year. Additionally, Senate Bill 1452 (Chapter 452, Statutes of 2006), requires auditees who have not implemented recommendations after one year, to report to us and to the Legislature why they have not implemented them or to state when they intend to implement them. Below, is a listing of each recommendation the State Auditor made in the report referenced and a link to the most recent response from the auditee addressing their progress in implementing the recommendation and the State Auditor's assessment of auditee's response based on our review of the supporting documentation.

Recommendations in Report 2011-121: Probationers' Domestic Violence Payments: Improved Processes for Managing and Distributing These Payments Could Increase Support for Local Shelters (Release Date: September 2012)

Recommendations to Legislature
Number Recommendation Status

To ensure consistent assessment, collection, and allocation of domestic violence payments, the Legislature should consider clarifying whether it intends for the domestic violence payment to be a fine or a fee and, similarly, whether collections entities should allocate the domestic violence payment to the payment priority category known as fines and penalty assessments or whether the payments belong in the other reimburseable costs category.

Partially Implemented

To ensure consistent assessment, collection, and allocation of domestic violence payments, the Legislature should consider whether collections that belong in the other reimburseable costs category should be prorated among all assessments in that category.

Legislation Enacted

To ensure consistent assessment, collection, and allocation of domestic violence payments, the Legislature should consider whether collections entities have the authority to continue pursuing collection of domestic violence payments once an individual's term of probation expires.

Legislation Enacted

To ensure consistent assessment, collection, and allocation of domestic violence payments, the Legislature should consider whether allowable administrative costs apply to all funds in a county's special fund.

Partially Implemented

To ensure consistent assessment, collection, and allocation of domestic violence payments, the Legislature should consider how counties should calculate allowable administrative costs. Specifically, the Legislature should indicate whether counties should base their calculations on the balance of the special fund or deposits into that fund.

Legislation Enacted

The Legislature should consider clarifying whether it intends for collections entities to base the percentage of domestic violence payment revenue distributed to the State and county on statutes in effect at the time of sentencing or at the time the probationer makes a payment.

Recommendations to Los Angeles County
Number Recommendation Status

Los Angeles County, San Diego County, San Diego Court, and Santa Clara County should determine the magnitude of the misdirected domestic violence funds.

Fully Implemented

Los Angeles County, San Diego County, San Diego Court, and Santa Clara County should consult with the State Controller's Office to determine what action should be taken to correct the domestic violence funds that were misdirected in prior fiscal years.

Fully Implemented

Los Angeles County, San Diego County, San Diego Court, and Santa Clara County should improve protocols for reviewing statutes that affect collection and distribution practices so that future changes can be acted upon.

Fully Implemented
Recommendations to Sacramento County
Number Recommendation Status

Sacramento County should finalize work with the State Controller's Office on correcting the county's overpayment of domestic violence funds to the State.

Fully Implemented

Sacramento County should implement the process developed for reviewing statutes that affect domestic violence payment collection and distribution practices in order to prevent overpayment of domestic violence funds in the future.

Fully Implemented

Sacramento County should increase its contracted spending for shelter services so that it reduces the balance of its special fund down to a level that is reasonable considering the needs of the fund.

Fully Implemented

To ensure that they are maximizing the impact of domestic violence funds, Sacramento, San Diego, and Santa Clara counties should periodically monitor their special funds.

Fully Implemented
Recommendations to San Diego, County of
Number Recommendation Status

Los Angeles County, San Diego County, San Diego Court, and Santa Clara County should determine the magnitude of the misdirected domestic violence funds.

Fully Implemented

Los Angeles County, San Diego County, San Diego Court, and Santa Clara County should consult with the State Controller's Office to determine what action should be taken to correct the domestic violence funds that were misdirected in prior fiscal years.

Fully Implemented

Los Angeles County, San Diego County, San Diego Court, and Santa Clara County should improve protocols for reviewing statutes that affect collection and distribution practices so that future changes can be acted upon.

Fully Implemented

To ensure that they are maximizing the impact of domestic violence funds, Sacramento, San Diego, and Santa Clara counties should periodically monitor their special funds.

Fully Implemented
Recommendations to Santa Clara County
Number Recommendation Status

Santa Clara County should implement a process to distribute funds regularly to domestic violence shelters.

Fully Implemented

Los Angeles County, San Diego County, San Diego Court, and Santa Clara County should determine the magnitude of the misdirected domestic violence funds.

Fully Implemented

Los Angeles County, San Diego County, San Diego Court, and Santa Clara County should consult with the State Controller's Office to determine what action should be taken to correct the domestic violence funds that were misdirected in prior fiscal years.

Fully Implemented

Los Angeles County, San Diego County, San Diego Court, and Santa Clara County should improve protocols for reviewing statutes that affect collection and distribution practices so that future changes can be acted upon.

Fully Implemented

To ensure that they are maximizing the impact of domestic violence funds, Sacramento, San Diego, and Santa Clara counties should periodically monitor their special funds.

Fully Implemented
Recommendations to Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles
Number Recommendation Status

Los Angeles Court should finalize the correction of the court's misdirected domestic violence funds.

Fully Implemented

Los Angeles Court should improve protocols for reviewing statutes that affect collection and distribution practices so that future changes can be acted upon.

Fully Implemented
Recommendations to Superior Court of California, County of San Diego
Number Recommendation Status

San Diego Court should ensure that procedures are in place so that courts do not reduce or waive domestic violence payments for reasons other than a probationer's inability to pay.

Fully Implemented

To ensure that it is accurately setting up accounts and to ensure that probationers are not paying more fines and fees than are applicable, San Diego Court should include on the orders issued at sentencing the breakdown of all fines and fees owed.

Fully Implemented

To ensure that it is accurately setting up accounts and to ensure that probationers are not paying more fines and fees than are applicable, San Diego Court should use the guidelines in place at the time of sentencing for those convicted of domestic violence crimes when it establishes accounts for payments.

Fully Implemented

Los Angeles County, San Diego County, San Diego Court, and Santa Clara County should determine the magnitude of the misdirected domestic violence funds.

Fully Implemented

Los Angeles County, San Diego County, San Diego Court, and Santa Clara County should consult with the State Controller's Office to determine what action should be taken to correct the domestic violence funds that were misdirected in prior fiscal years.

Fully Implemented

Los Angeles County, San Diego County, San Diego Court, and Santa Clara County should improve protocols for reviewing statutes that affect collection and distribution practices so that future changes can be acted upon.

Fully Implemented

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