Report 2021-808
September 23, 2021

Corrective Action Plan and Assessment—City of Lynwood

Inadequate Financial Management Hinders Lynwood's Fiscal Stability

Risk Area Reported in 2018 September 2021 November 2021
Ongoing budget deficits and uncertain financial future Partially Addressed Partially Addressed
Inadequate budgeting practices Partially Addressed Partially Addressed
Questionable salary increases Partially Addressed Partially Addressed

Violations of State Law, Weak Oversight, and Policy Breaches Make Lynwood Susceptible to Fraud and Waste

Risk Area Reported in 2018 September 2021 November 2021
Violations of state law in the use of water and sewer funds Partially Addressed Partially Addressed
Poor contract administration Partially Addressed Partially Addressed
Inadequate controls over its financial operations Fully Addressed Fully Addressed

Ineffective Organizational Management Diminishes Lynwood's Ability to Provide Public Services

Risk Area Reported in 2018 September 2021 November 2021
Lack of strategic plan Pending Pending
Inability to effectively measure staffing needs Pending Pending
Significant turnover in key positions and no plan for identifying future leadership Partially Addressed Partially Addressed