Report 2018-119 Recommendation 5 Responses

Report 2018-119: California Department of Fish and Wildlife: It Is Not Fulfilling Its Responsibilities Under the California Environmental Quality Act (Release Date: June 2019)

Recommendation #5 To: Fish and Wildlife, Department of

To ensure regional staff enter data into the project tracking database accurately and consistently, the department should, by December 2019, develop, implement, and provide training on departmentwide written policies and procedures that outline the requirements and process for entering data related to CEQA review into the department's project tracking database.

6-Month Agency Response

The Department has finalized a job-aid for staff entering data into our project tracking database, which are now posted to our Department's HCPB CEQA intranet page. Overview of these materials will be discussed at the January 2020 HCPB Manager's meeting with training ongoing and available as needed. As discussed with the auditors, the current project tracking database is antiquated and set to be replaced with an updated version of our current Environmental Permitting and Information Management System (EPIMS) utilizing FY 19-20 funding. Current transition for all CEQA related tracking activities to move to the updated EPIMS system is anticipated for Fall of 2020. (Documents submitted to Auditor)

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented

The Department has developed a departmentwide procedure that outlines the requirements and process for entering data related to CEQA review into the department's project tracking database. The department has also implemented this procedure, provided training to staff, and posted the guidance on its intranet page.

60-Day Agency Response

The Department has begun to develop job-aids for staff entering data into our project tracking database, which includes the use of staff to provide "help desk" support. Additionally, we are working to develop a training schedule that incorporates immediate future needs as well as a path for continuing education. As discussed with the auditors, the current project tracking database is antiquated and set to be replaced with an updated version of our current Environmental Permitting and Information Management System (EPIMS) utilizing FY 19-20 funding. As logistics continue for this project, the Department will finalize a development schedule with anticipated roll-out timelines and associated trainings.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

All Recommendations in 2018-119

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.