Report 2016-112 Recommendation 3 Responses

Report 2016-112: School Library Services: Vague State Laws and a Lack of Monitoring Allow School Districts to Provide a Minimal Level of Library Services (Release Date: November 2016)

Recommendation #3 To: Redlands Unified School District

To strengthen its library programs and help the State assess the condition of school libraries statewide, Redlands Unified should ensure that teacher librarians are involved in the selection of library materials at each school.

6-Month Agency Response

Each trimester Teacher Librarian/para/hourly and volunteer library personnel meet to discuss library protocols, concerns and to collaborate about best practices. Communication and collaboration continue via email. In the 2017-2018 school year, a google suite/classroom will be added for all library personnel to facilitate ease of communication/collaboration beyond email and scheduled Library Meetings.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented

The district provided a memo in which it outlined the assignment of high school teacher librarians to four "partner elementary schools." The memo states that the district's high school teacher librarians are to support elementary library personnel with the selection of books, processes, and procedures that are related to library services, effective immediately. In addition, the district provided an email demonstrating that a teacher librarian provided elementary school staff with some guidance related to material selection.

60-Day Agency Response

Redlands USD has assigned teacher librarians to each elementary library. A procedure will be developed at the Library Meetings on January 12, 2017 and May 11. 2017 to ensure that teacher librarians are involved in the selection of library materials at each site.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

Per Redlands Unified's response, its implementation of this recommendation is currently pending.

All Recommendations in 2016-112

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.