Report 2014-116 Recommendation 4 Responses

Report 2014-116: California Department of Consumer Affairs' BreEZe System: Inadequate Planning and Oversight Led to Implementation at Far Fewer Regulatory Entities at a Significantly Higher Cost (Release Date: February 2015)

Recommendation #4 To: Technology, California Department of

To help ensure the success of the BreEZe project going forward, CalTech should ensure that Consumer Affairs responds promptly to, and adequately addresses, concerns raised by its IPO specialist and its IV&V consultant.

6-Month Agency Response

The department has implemented a process which involves summarizing concerns raised by its IPO Specialist and its IV&V consultant and the tracking Consumer Affairs' actions. This monitoring process is documented monthly in a Corrective Action Plan, which we have provided for the month of August 2015 (BreEZe CAP-1507) to CSA separately.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented

60-Day Agency Response

60-Day Update:

Following approval of the Section 11 and subsequent execution of contract amendment #3 with Accenture, CalTech IT Project Oversight Division will follow-up with DCA and confirm DCA's completion of the conditions below which were placed on DCA for approving SPR 3.1. These are:

1. In order to ensure transparency and an appropriate level of decision making with a proper focus on scope and cost management, the DCA Project team must incorporate the BreEZe governance process and structures (including the Executive Steering Committee and Change Control Board), the roles and responsibilities of participants, their authority, and criteria for selection into a Governance Plan document within 30 business days following SPR 3.1 approval.

2. Within 30 business days following SPR 3.1 approval, the Project must provide the Department of Technology with an organization chart which shows the reporting relationships of the individuals who will be responsible for contract management, risk management, change management and schedule management. Beginning in April 2015, the Project must submit an updated project organizational chart identifying positions filled in the prior month and remaining open positions with the monthly Project Status Report (PSR) submission.

3. The Project must continue to maintain documentation of the current status and response to all Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) and Independent Project Oversight Consultant (IPOC) findings which must be provided to the Department of Technology monthly along with the submission of monthly PSR.

CalTech will closely monitor Consumer Affairs' responsiveness and will report in its 6 month status update.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

All Recommendations in 2014-116

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.